575 "Haiku" ... muwhahahaha!
If you like these you'll also like Haikooky by James Rodgers: https://jamesrodgershaikooky.blogspot.com/
these haiku, it's true
are dreaded for a reason
but they're funny too
found at the thrift store
paperback first edition
Kindle for Dummies
springtime, frogs and birds
are chirping and squirrels are
raiding the dumpster
should not have asked the
missionary about his
position on sex
neon pink woman
clothes and hair, so mad at the
bee following her
no one wants to hit
the Trump piñata, he is
not full of candy...
avoid all the Darts
Dodge all the Rams and watch out
for Escaping Fords
Hillary or Trump
Bernie Sanders is spinning
in his swivel chair
in Rio the gold
goes to antibiotic
resistant disease
Rio Olympics
water hazards for rowers
include boils and sores
the krill versus seal
diet debate next on the
ask orca podcast
how computers work:
ex V P dances, you know,
an Al Gore rhythm
'faith' is often a
euphemism for 'oh God!
These people are nuts!'
soggy leaves abound
as I play mind games with squirrels
right now it’s a tie
wasn’t really moved
at the tearful reunion
of onion farmers
so close to having
a good Icarus poem but
again… crash and burn
majority rules
majority of people
are just plain stupid
big fat hairy fly
circling kingdoms of air
compound and surreal
it takes seventeen
muscles to smile, somewhere here
there is a haiku
seventeen muscles
to smile, but Michael frowns, says
its not a haiku :(
fact-checking is a
survival trait in this mis-
information age
loan officer's new
hotel job, he specialized
in turn down service
why did Fred Flintstone
go to the podiatrist?
his car had a flat
a fork in the road
can lead to many options
or just a flat tire
the road diverges
construction must be done, they
stuck a fork in it
false advertising
in the chicken pot pie there's
no marijuana
he had an idea
his friends knew him and thought it
must be a tumor
Bill tripped and slid down
a hill, his ass was greener
on the other side
don’t waste your vote on
someone competent, vote for
someone who’s running
the astrologer
was right until Pluto stopped
being a planet
Pluto demoted
suddenly my horoscope
is more accurate
its not surprising
the calendar maker’s end
his days were numbered
the dent wizard truck
for paintless dent removal
has a dent in it
I once had a job
ballet parking, the tutu
was embarrassing
the tedium was
great, but now I can say I
am bored certified
a new study says
testosterone inhibits
the brain’s work good… ness
so far the score is
Godzilla fifteen hundred
Tokyo zero
when the meter maid
had a yard sale, an inchworm
tripped over her foot
second opinion
the cyst will cease and desist
doctor law insists
Starbucks merged with Ace
Hardware, they started serving
screwdrivers at noon
train graffiti says:
stop making stupid people,
use a damn condom!