Here's whats new:
New Book!!!
the memory of water
is available from MoonPath Press!
Published in Kingfisher issue 6
Published in Mad Swirl November 19
Happy 4th of July 2022!
Been published here and there and have a new book coming soon from MoonPath Press :)
Got a haiku in Haiku Universe on June 16th https://haikuniverse.com/
two coming up in Chrome Baby http://robindunn.com/chrome-baby-index.html
one in Visual Verse, Volume 09 Chapter 8 https://visualverse.org/images/reed-geiger/
one in Exterminating Angel (and one coming up in a later issue) https://exterminatingangel.com/summer-2022-old-friends/
and once more in Mad Swirl https://madswirl.com/category/poetry/
May 17 2022...
June was a blur for me, my dad passed away in May. He too was a poet as many know. I plan on collecting his poems and publishing them as a book, but I have no idea how long it will take. I will keep work on that project, and any other poetry/writing projects posted here.
November (yeah I'm really behind!) Great article in the Auburn Examiner from James Rodgers
Poem Published in Oddball Magazine!
Check out Tanya McDonald's new haiku journal Kingfisher.
The August Poetry Postcard Fest now known as PoPo has a new site.
Due to COVID-19 everything happening is happening online.
The Striped Water Poets weekly critique circle is no longer meeting.
The Poetry at the Rainbow Cafe open mic every first Monday has morphed into a Zoom reading series thanks to Emilie Rommel Shimkus.
Mad Swirl!
I have the honor of having my own Mad Swirl page!
Check it out. Of course I will be adding to it from time to time.
Have a poem to be published in Star*Line, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association journal.
Footbridge Above the Falls
I have three poems included in the new Rose Alley Press Anthology! You can find my poems there along with a host of other wonderful NorthWest poets.
Write a Review!
Cosmic Egg is on Amazon and Goodreads! Check it out, post a review, buy another ten copies! :)
Verse Daily
My Poem: I Feel Like an Egg
appeared on Verse Daily on July 22 2017
My collage, The Future is Watching, is in the very first issue of Scryptic!
Rejection from the New Yorker!
Cosmic Egg
In the Auburn Reporter! Here is a great piece by Robert Whale:
Cosmic Egg
My first full-length collection of Poetry is now available from MoonPath Press!
Black Petals
Has accepted two short scifi poems and two 575 post apocalyptic haiku to be published on 3/15/2017
Poetry on Buses
Will publish my water themed poem, Misled, (dedicated to the people of Flint Michigan) on their website April 2017
Hello Horror
Accepted a nice little piece called Green Giggler to be published in October 2017
Dreams and Nightmares
Accepted a poem which wasn't a dream or a nightmare
Mad Swirl
Accepted one of my new Tarot poems
Mirror Dance
The Autumn issue of Mirror Dance is now available at www.mirrordancefantasy.com. One of my Tarot poems is included there.
Secrets and Dreams
The Secrets and Dreams anthology from Kind of a Hurricane Press is now available. www.kindofahurricanepress.com